I love naming posts after random lyrics.
Anywho, Indiana Sightglass is super satisfying for my type A personality. My grid is gridded by a map! My son helped me drop off some art to CCIC today for the IDADA show in November. Next Thursday and Friday are probably the best days to see it. I will be there Thursday from 7- 7:30.
Recently, I looked into becoming a member of the Speedway Arts Council. It is an artist cooperative that has it's member volunteer 15 hours a month so that the gallery can be open as much as possible.
Sounds like a good idea right? Except that it seems to be lacking in structure. I signed up for a volunteer time to check it out. When I arrived the building was in a bit of disrepair. The storefront windows were dirty and the hours sign had fallen down. I was getting bad vibes and then realized that the person that was supposed to be there to train me hadn't arrived. I waited 15 minutes and then decided that it was a sign that this artist co-op wasn't for me. In other news I am going to be in the IDADA Members Exposition in November- More info to come. Indiana Sightglass is progressing, check out its page under the Recent Work tab. Flight of Fancy was an amazing show. Even though Roma is slightly warped (if feels a bit like the canvas is trying to hug the viewer) she still looked amazing! I will need to address the warping when she is back in my studio after the show. Amy Ward did an awesome job setting up the show. There were limo rides, Elvis impersonators, and historic beer (Champagne Velvet by Upland Brewery). Below is my booth at Monument Circle Art Fair. The Monument Circle Art Fair had great weather. I broke even, and then made a small profit. I'm not sure that Art Fairs are my cup of tea. I think I will stick to just showing work in more long term environments like galleries and pubs. My newest painting is three layered images. The first is a portion of a map from Indiana in 1830. The second is part of the Indiana State Flag. The third is an sparkly overlay effect from Pixlr Express called Sightglass.
It's super Indiana-centric, which I enjoy! This Friday is my most anticipated art show ever! Flight of Fancy will be showing Roma and Very Versailles. I am excited to debut Roma. The amazing opening reception is from 6-9 PM October 7th at Rapp Family Gallery, 1201 Central Avenue, Indianapolis. The gallery is open Monday - Friday 9AM- 5 PM and the work will be exhibited October 7th- 31st. My role as a zombie was a success! A wonderful mix of ridiculous and art. And last, but not least, I am participating in my very first ever art fair! South Side Harley Davidson is loaning me a tent and table, I am using easels and wire racks from my awesome day job as an art teacher at Greenfield-Central High School, and all the art is curtesy of me. Come visit me next Saturday! I will be taking photos throughout the day and will post some of them in my next Saturday Night Blog post. |
December 2023