This past summer I started my Masters in Art History from Fort Hays State University. Once I have it, the students that I teach in my Art History class at Greenfield-Central High School will be able to earn dual credit through Ivy Tech. It has been a pretty good experience so far. Lots or reading, and lots of writing. I also was able to work on the biggest Mural that I have ever worked on this past summer. It was an awesome experience. Also, this past summer I was able to help grade AP Art History Exams in Salt Lake City with my friend Maite. Essay grading is boring, but it helps me teach the content to my students better. And there are always the essays that say something that makes me crack up. They are the diamond in the ruff. I've been busy working full-time and working on my Master's degree part-time so I haven't had much time to paint. I have been slowly working on this painting for my Mom and Dad. I devised using a table with sizes, media, color schemes, styles, and genres and then used a random number generator to select one from each category. Below is a Surreal Still life, that is medium-sized and monochromatic. And the last thing that is currently distracting me from painting as much is... my surprise pregnancy! Totally didn't expect it to happen but baby Margo is due January 28th, a day before my fortieth birthday.
So all in all, 2023 has been a great year, 2024 looks to be a whole new adventure! Happy New Year!
December 2023